Written by
Kayla M.

do you know the four stages of the marketing funnel?

May 24, 2024

I'm sure you've heard of the marketing funnel (or a version of it) at some point in your life, but we're here to break it down for you so you get a better understanding on how it applies to your business.

you should know the 4 stages of the marketing funnel

As do many marketing terms now-a-days, the marketing funnel has many names. Also known as the purchase funnel, AIDA funnel, or the conversion funnel, the marketing funnel is a conceptual model that represents a customer's journey from when they first learn about a business to when they make a purchase. 

It is broken down into different stages, and below are the most important ones. 

The reason we bring this up is because the content your brand puts out should fall under one of the four stages to ensure you’re actually driving results.


This is when a potential customer or client first finds your brand. Branding is the most important in this stage as they are making their minds up about you. 


This potential customer is interested, and considers what you have to offer. Here is when adding value and showing results is going to be key.


They like what they see, and they take action - yay! Whether they purchase from you or sign up for your email newsletter, they are now considered a lead.


Like any other relationship in your life, this is the most important part. What are you doing to keep them happy? Why would they come back to you/give you repeat business? 

need some support?

We’re here to help you make the most of your brand in every stage of the marketing funnel. Schedule a discovery call so we can talk about your current marketing strategy, where you want it to go, and what we can do to get you there!

need some help?

If any of this sounds complicated, confusing or like something you don't have time for–don't worry, we're here!

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