Written by
Regan W.

your social media trends and news recap for August

August 30, 2024

Overwhelmed by what trends to look at and what updates are important? Take a deep breath, sit back, and keep reading.

your August trends and news recap

*cue August by Taylor Swift*

Ok, now that we're in the right headspace, welcome to your August trends and news recap! So much happened this month, so let's not waste any time and get into what you need to know.

trend alert: 'if you ask me about vs. if you ask me on a deeper level'

This trend is viral for its satire and reliability. Brands have been using it to show their point of view on something on a surface level, vs when they go in depth. This trend normally is done with a two-slide post: pick a topic related to your business or brand, ask a question on the first slide, and on the second slide go into detail about why you love/hate this topic. This is a relatable way to boost engagement.

how to use it:

Use this to highlight different tools you use in your business! An example would be: 'if you ask me about Canva I would say it is a good app, but if you were to ask me on a deeper level, I would say it has changed my life forever and I couldn't imagine not making a Canva graphic every day because it helps me achieve the same look as graphic designers without the hassle of using Photoshop.' See how after reading that you have an insight into how we use Canva? That’s the point.

trend alert: 'very demure, very mindful'

If you’ve been on social media at all, I am sure you have seen this trend everywhere. Normally, this trend is done by someone saying “See how I…(insert something you’re doing) very demure, very mindful.” What is so great about this trend is that it is so versatile as it can be used as audio for a REEL or in a caption for a post. Additionally, it works for both business and personal accounts–allowing you to add some humor!

how to use it:

Let’s say you work for a lawyer's office and want to use this trend, you can record a BTS reel and say 'See how I prepare for this deposition? Very demure, very mindful.' The same could go for a restaurant; you could create a carousel of pictures of all your waiters in action and say 'See how we get your order to you efficiently? Very demure, very mindful.'

Instagram update: offers in ads through Meta

When you enter a URL for your campaign, Meta can automatically detect any discounts or promo codes on your site. This new process will highlight these deals in your ads and show them to people who are more likely to be interested, based on their previous activity. You can even tweak your offers during the campaign setup for more control over what people see!

how to use it:

This feature enhances the relevance of your ads and increases the chances of attracting interested customers. Knowing this is important to have ongoing discounts or promos on your site. This will allow Meta to do its thing and get you more engagement and traction.

Instagram update: profile display images

Instagram is currently testing out a new vertical grid display for user's profiles. Some profiles already have this new display on their grid, and the new update will look similar to how the REELs grid looks on profiles. Instagram will be launching this update soon and we can expect some shock from users. But lucky for you, you are ahead of the game!

how to use it:

This new layout will rework the framing of previous posts as well as future posts. So what does this mean for you? Start to rework future content so it fits this vertical rule, allowing you to be ahead of the game and not have to scramble when this rolls out.

Whew! I told you a lot happened in August. I know it can feel overwhelming to stay up-to-date with all of the trends and updates, but that’s what we're here for. Shoot us an email if you have any more questions or even want some help! Here’s to another great month of staying trendy.

need some help?

If any of this sounds complicated, confusing or like something you don't have time for–don't worry, we're here!

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